Source Links

Modified from Codox documentation.

If you have the source available at a URI and would like to have links to the
function/macro's source file in the documentation, you can set the
'source-uri' in your rebar.config as follows:

{lodox, [
  {apps, [
    {my_app, [
      {'source-uri', "{version}/{filepath}#L{line}"},
      {'output-path', "docs"}

The URI is a template that may contain the following keys:

Key Description
filepath the file path from the root of the repository
line the number of the source file
version the version of the application

N.B. In order for {version} to work properly, you must add the corresponding
tag. For example, if your .app file contains
{vsn, "1.2.3"} you must add the tag, "1.2.3", to your repo.