
{lodox, [
  {apps, [
    {my_app, [
      %% my_app config
    {my_other_app, [
      %% my_other_app config

... where config consists of any number of key/value tuples with the following
valid keys:

Key Description Default
output-path a project-relative path "docs"
excluded-modules a list of module names (atoms) []
doc-files a list of files or the atom all all
doc-paths a list of directories ["priv/docs"]

The documentation will be generated in output-path
and modules in excluded-modules will be excluded.

If doc-files is the atom all, Lodox will render files in supported
formats1 in each directory in doc-paths. Otherwise, if
doc-files is a list of files, Lodox will render those that are in supported
formats1, ignoring doc-paths.

1: Currently only Markdown, i.e. *.m{d,arkdown}.